You can’t wait more to know these surprising facts about Mobile Phones

We all know the need and importance of mobile phones in our life and they way it has changed the pace of our lifestyle is incredible. We are so used to mobile phones that a day without them is harder to imagine. With an intention to let you know more about the phones you use, we’ve covered few surprising facts about mobile phones in this article.

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The first mobile phone call was made in 1973 by Martin Cooper, a former Motorola Inventor.

He rang the boss of a competitor who was disappointed to know that he had lost the chance to develop a portable hand-held device. Cooper later recalled, “ There was silence at the other end of the line. I suspect he was grinding his teeth.” The interesting thing is that the phone used to make that call was same as the weight of a sugar bag (2lb). The talk time allowed was only 30 minutes and battery charge time was not less than 10 hours.


Apple sold 3,40,000 i phones per day in 2012

In 2012, Apple’s total sales were $156.5 billion and the biggest chunk of that came in the first quarter, $46.3 billion. The total profit that the company made for the fiscal year was $41.6 billion.


Mobile phones have 18 times more bacterial than toilet handles

An analysis of handsets used after a quarter was so dirty that they had up to times of TVC bacteria accumulated on its surface. While TVC is not harmful but a hygiene expert Jim Francis who carried out the tests said, “ The levels of potentially harmful bacteria on one mobile were off the scale. That phone needs sterilizing.”

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Nomophobia is the fear of being without a mobile phone or loosing the signal

Psychological factors defines it as the phobia caused due to overuse of mobile phone where an individual express anxiety due to the fear of not having access to mobile phone. There will be a lost state of mind and it is provoked by several reasons, such as the loss of a mobile phone, dead mobile phone battery and broken mobile display.


250 million Nokia 1100 devices were sold which is highest till date in the history of phones

We find no person on this globe who haven’t used Nokia 1100 in their life. The mobile handset went popular because of its low price and durability. Today, though we don’t find them in the market but it is still an all time favorite mobile phone for many.


99% of all mobile malware is targeted at Android

A report that was released last year from F-secure declared that 99% of all mobile viruses and malware is targeted at Android users. Android being an open source platform is prone to vulnerabilities and web browsing is noted as a reason for these malicious programs to end up on your android gadgets.


On an average, a person unlocks smartphone at least 110 times a day

As per the study by App maker locket, if you are at the 110 average, it is 10 times per hour you’ll unlock your phone.

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65% of smartphone users download zero Apps per month


With Internet booming, the usage of mobile has drastically increased and so is the development of Apps. Today, we have an App for everything from health, lifestyle, productivity, services and entertainment but the App market has become so clutter that users are hesitating to keep them on their phone or download the new one unless and until they found it to be highly useful. For your Mobile repair service hire a technician from Bro4u.

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