Jaw Dropping Idea to Save Money And Electricity By Geyser

There are few electronic appliances which have become an integral part of human life. If we ask you, the words can come out in a torrent. You can refer to the air conditioner, washing machine, fridge and geyser. Yes, geyser has almost become mandatory in a urban home. Gone are the days when our ancestors used to heat water for a bath by wooden sticks and other materials. Do you want to know how to save money and electricity by geyser? Then read this article. We have given valuable points. And like other electronic appliances, you also need to observe the manufacturer’s instructions. Yes, the appliance can become prone to repairs after few years. Then, you may need to hire a geyser repair and installation service expert to fix the problem. Do not forget, in your home, the geyser is one of the energy consuming appliances.


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Let us imagine, you have a large family. Imagine keeping the geyser all day in order for the family members to have a bath. Don’t you think that the electricity bill will have a higher price? There are a million articles in the internet debating on keeping the geyser for a long time will give rise to a hike in electricity fares. In this article on how to save money and electricity by geyser, we have made a sincere attempt to set the records straight. After the last paragraph, you may get tips to optimise the electricity use around the house.

Let us now consider the argument in case of a simple geyser machine. You have switched off the machine. So the heating element in the appliance does not heat the water. The reason – there is no power (electricity). In case you have turned in the geyser, the water remains already at a high temperature. It does not need any sort of heating exchanges from element.

Now the element will use electricity only when there is no hot water. Cold water is present in the geyser chamber. Have you deactivated the switch? The water will become cold inside the geyser. To reheat the liquid, when you switch on, the effort will need more electricity.


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How To Save Money and Electricity By Geyser

Kindly think of the above paragraph. There are two sides to the story. Leave a geyser to get cold and use more power to heat the water. Or let the switch remain on so that the water in the appliance will remain hot. Always. Yet, there is use of energy. You know, geysers are responsible for forty percent of the monthly electric bill. In every case, reduce the energy consumption by the geyser, not only for the expense, but also to remain in tandem with the environment.

Do you have doubts on the ways to save electricity by geyser? Then you need to have a complete knowledge on the types of geysers. There are some models which can get hot faster, but keep the temperature for a long time. There are some which can get to the hot fast mode, and does not need more electrical energy. In recent times, manufacturer design geysers to use energy effectively.

Facts Which Can Affect The Use of Electrical Energy

Now shall we have a look into the factors?

As per home improvement experts, neither of the two ways (keeping the switch on for a long time or switching on only when needed) will save money. It depends on the circumstances. Yet, for security reasons, you can switch off if you are going on a holiday.

1. Use The Insulation Technique

Do you live in a cold environment? Then you feel the cold environment causes a upsurge in electricity bills by geyser.  Then go for insulation. Cover the geyser with a perfect thermal blanket. You can even insulate the pipes. So the heat does not escape, and the water gets hot soon. Insulation saves twenty percent of electricity if you switch on the geyser that has lain dormant for more than 24 hours. Please note, the geyser may contain hot water. But if it is not used, the heat gets transferred to the adjoining environment. If you are facing doubts, place a request via the Bro4u app for a seasoned geyser repair and installation technician. He will come on the exact date/time and do the needful for you.

2. Thermostat

The settings in the thermostat need to be at 60 degree Celsius. You need not opt for more temperature. In fact, it will be waste of electrical energy. The temperature needs to stand at 55 to 65 degree celsius. It can save nearly five percent. The thermostat keeps the temperature of the water inside the geyser stagnant after reaching the desired temperature. There are two types of thermostats in the market.

  • The geyser where the thermostat is available outside. You can change the temperature.
  • The thermostat is not visible. You can never change the temperature.

3. Install the Geyser Close To Hot Water Required Areas

The reason, if any water is existent in the pipes, it will cool to normal temperature.

A. Cold Water

You need not use hot water for washing the dishes or clothes. You can reduce the temperature level in the settings on dishwasher and washing machine.

B. Showerhead

Call a experienced plumber and change the normal showerhead to a energy saving one. It will save more money and electrical energy.

C. Solar power

Yes, the solar panels are expensive. But you get a natural source of energy. In fact, you are making the best use of natural resource. When connected to electric geyser, you can save money and electricity by geyser for the long term. There are also solar geysers you can install to save electricity.


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Doorstep Geyser Repair & Installation at 200


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So you see, it is only responsible management which will save the day. We have given only two ideas to save money and electricity by geyser. Do you know more methods? Be kind to drop a comment in the reviews section . Stay happy and stay blessed.

1 Comment
  1. Reply
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