Tag: pest control
What Causes Silverfish?

Is this question related to the origin of silverfish? then you can link them with jumping bristletails. These insects are the ancient ancestors of silverfish. They have evolved around mid Devonian or late Silurian (400 million years before). In this article, valuable information is given on what ...

How To Get Rid Of Silverfish In Your Home

No, please do not mix with the fish in the aquarium. It is silverfish. Mention the word to a ardent book lover and you can find them seething in anger. They can wreak havoc on the old books, clothes and even feed on left-overs. Yes, they are harmless and does not cause injury to human body. But ...

How Do You Get Rid Of Bed Bugs?

Right from the ancient ages, your ancestors have always fought off pests. In the ancient ages, wild animals strayed to human settlements and killed humans. At that time, wild pests was the name given to these animals. Now, in recent times, the very name of pests reminds you of rats, rodents, ...