16 surprising facts about Facebook which you just can’t skip reading

Facebook, I think it’s very hard to find a person on this globe who is not a Facebook user. People are so addicted to this social media platform that it has become an integral part of their life. Over the period of time, Facebook has so much innovated that the user experience is just awesome. However, Facebook is beyond sharing and today let’s know some of the surprising facts about facts about Facebook.


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1.Every day around 600000 hacking attempts are made to Facebook accounts.


2.You know who is the first face on Facebook? It’s AL PACINO.


3.On a day, how many times you check the Facebook. Survey says that smartphone users check it 14 times a day. 


4.You know several people have been murdered for unfriending someone on Facebook. 


5.Average space between one Facebook user and another is 3.74 degree


6.Facebook tracks every website you visit even after the sign-out


7. There are about 30 million dead people on Facebook



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8. Facebook & twitter is blocked in china since 2009 however there are 95 million Facebook users in China



9. Tried blocking Mark Zuckerberg? No, you can’t


10. Facebook earns US$ 5.65 from every U.S user. Just imagine from across the world


11. A survey says that 5% of BRITS use Facebook while having sex



12. Hit “Awesome” on my post. You know LIKE  button on Facebook was originally called ‘Awesome’


13 If Facebook goes down for one single minute, it loses almost US$25,000 


14. Every minute, everyday people share 1.3 million pieces of content on Facebook



15. Annoyed of Facebook games? But people spend 927 million hours a month on Facebook games


16. The text you type on status box is sent to Facebook servers even if you don’t post it


Facebook is all about sharing and now it’s time to share this with your friends. Thanks for your time.


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