Which House Items Can Clog The Toilets?

Yes, toilet is a important part of your home. And if the toilet gets clogged, it becomes difficult to put down the words. Yet, why did the clog happen? The reason, improper maintenance. And you should not flush the below mentioned items. In this article, you gain information on which house items can clog the toilets and drainage systems.

Design of Toilets

The design is such it can handle natural waste and of course toilet paper. That is all. Period. It cannot handle any other type of solid matter. Do you know the best way to enhance the longevity of the toilets? Do you want to remain free unnecessary plumbing problems? Then ensure you keep away all the trash and waste from the toilet. Please check with the family members, especially the children. You may have to place a signboard for new rules.

Which House Items Can Clog The Toilets?


1. Tissues

They form an necessary part of a lady’s purse. Yes, they may get used like toilet paper. But their composition is different. In fact, paper towels, tissues and other similar products can never get dissolved in water. They form clogs. In the future, they can cause problems for the septic tank.

2. Disposable Diapers

Yes, they are diapers. They are disposable. Agreed. But, not in the toilet. The reason, the toilets are not designed to process disposable diapers. These items can lead to serious pipe clogs.

3. Tampons

A hand’s reach is always an option to dispose of the waste. But, please do not use it for tampons and other feminine material. If the tampons get stuck deep in pipes, the flush can never happen.

4. Condoms

With condoms, it is more of a case of convenience than toilet care. The easy and safe way. But please note, that the components of condoms – latex, lubricants are bad for the plumbing system.

5. Cotton Items

Q-tips, cotton swabs, cotton balls and any products. They absorb water and swell in size. But please do not think they cannot form clogs. In fact, when they accumulate in large numbers, the clog forms. Once again, you have to seek the services of a experienced plumber. If the problem is with the sewage pit, then a septic tank cleaner. There are many who ask questions on which house items can clog the toilets and wash basin system? Now you know the answer.

6. Package Plastic

Either a packaging plastic or Band-Aid, it can result in problems to the pipes. The Golden Rule. You cannot flush plastics down the toilet.

7. Dental Floss

Do you use dental floss? Then please take care not to put the item in the toilet. It is in the form of a string and will not dissolve. They can hold together items and can form large blocks.

8. Food

Yes, usually, left over food gets washed in the washbasin. Even soft food is a no-no. And the hard types, bones, egg shells can form the ultimate block. The best place is the garbage bin or compost material.

9. Bubble Gum

Yikes! Do you have children? Then make a new rule for them to never spit the gum in toilet. It can stick around and collect materials. To be honest, you do not want anything stick attached to the pipes, do you?

10. Hairs

Many of the women brush their hair in the bathroom. And the loose hairs, find their way down the toilet. But you are shifting the toilet problem from one to another.

11. Pills

Yes, there are some weird myths revolving around pills and tablets. Some have this view. Throwing the expiry date tablets/pills in the toilet will kill the disease causing microorganisms. But it should not be the case. They can wreak havoc on the underground water system. Imagine, the fumes they can create. And for a person, who goes to clean the septic tank, he may inhale the fumes and fall ill.


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