Interesting Facts You Never Knew About Bed Bugs Spray

Okay, your family is desperately waiting for your response. The reason – they have found the house has a bed bugs infestation. They advise on the need to go for a professional scan and elimination procedure, but you have other plans. You are interested in bed bugs spray elimination method. Your family condemns the bed bug spray option as a unwise act, but you still prevail. The reason – you have read on the internet that the spray can protect your family members. In this article, you will gain valuable information about interesting facts you never knew about bed bugs spray.


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Bed bugs first garnered attention when the World War II happened. It was the perfect setting for infestation. Thousands of soldiers, artillery and bags. Could a setting be more precise? At that time,  usage of many pesticides subdued them. But they bounced back with resistance to the normal pesticide. They had the advantage in the form of their body shape. It can fit in any crack.

Man has crossed over to the moon and other planets. But evidence regarding the main reason for infestation of bed bugs is not yet discovered. Yes, you can find bed bugs even in hotel rooms. And for once, the myth lies broken – bed bugs are not linked to sanitation or poverty stricken areas. Now, this brings us to the question. How do you get rid of these tiny creepy pests in the dark areas? It can be any place – residences, hotels, commercial buildings and public transportation.

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Bed Bugs Spray

The sprays can also prevent bed bug hitchhiking when you stay in hotels. All you need is to pre-spray the luggage. You can also do a quick checking of the mattress during the stay at hotel.

Agreed, the bed bugs spray treatments are less expensive than other treatments. The spray can kill the bugs when it comes in contact, but how do you select the best one?

Without prevention, they can grow to a population with large numbers. And when they find a place close to the bed, rarely will you be able to stop them unless identified. Their bites are often not revealed. Usually, you confuse them with mosquito bites.



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Disadvantages of DIY Projects

There are many videos regarding making of homemade bed bugs spray with alcohol and detergents, but some can become poison to the pets and children. Please note, they are not tested for their efficiency unlike commercial products.

What should you know about bed bugs spray?

Every manufacturer, worth his salt, promises that the insects get killed if they establish contact with the spray. They also promise, that the effect of the spray will last a few hours. As per home improvement experts, you need to use the spray at least three times to counter the infestation. In many cases, the first spray tends to paralyze the insects, leave alone killing them.

What Should You Do For Effective Treatment?

  1. Make a note of the spots and objects which need the spraying job. For example,
  2. You check the luggage brought from trips. If needed, go for a spray all over, but outside the house. Bed bugs are very happy to move their place from the hotel room you just paid a visit.
  3. Carpets, corners in the bedroom where the broom cannot reach, cracks in bedroom floor, window/door frames, outlets, paintings and wall paper etc.
  4. You also need to check the sleeping place, armchair, sofa, mattresses, bed sheets, pillows, and upholstery.
  5. Never opt for only a single step, if you find that the bed bugs are eradicated. As per home improvement experts, you need to make a combination of insecticide and prevention measures. They may be cleaning the mattresses, infested beds and other sites. Or else, you can opt for the other method – investing in mattress cover.


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Devices For Identification of Bed Bugs

Agreed, there are many simple, cheap monitoring devices for checking the presence of bed bugs. You may a scientist who sent the satellite to the moon, but fail to identify the bed bug in the room. When you use these devices in the bedroom, they can become a source of identification. Eradication or elimination of pests in these areas is more difficult. You need to get the services of a pest professional.

Yes, there are pest control companies in Bangalore, but how will you select the best for your need? This is where we come to your rescue. Our list of qualified vendors are tested for their skills and technological expertise. You can easily hire the services of our top professional pest control vendors in Bangalore by placing a request via our Bro4u app or calling the number on our website.


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