Five Mind Numbing Facts About Fruit Fly Today

Do you prefer fruits? Fresh? Then there are trips you have made to the market. In shops, you must have seen tiny winged creatures hovering around fruits. They are  fruit flies. Have you seen flies (the same ones), very different from house flies? They are surrounding fruits in your home. In this article, we give information on five mind numbing facts about fruit fly. Are you facing an infestation in your home? You can solve the challenge posed by this pest easily. But do you have a vegetable or fruit garden? It is necessary to hire an pest exterminator to eradicate fruit flies.

Please note, the number multiplication happens in ease for these pests. Yes, it is a tough job to get rid of fruit flies, once they swell in large numbers.

Mind Numbing Facts About Fruit Fly

1. Fruit Fly

Mother Nature has gifted fruit flies an excellent mechanism to find ripe fruits. Their size is small, but they can smell ripe fruits, vegetables far away. Okay, there are no fruit flies in the home. But please note, they may have tried in vain to enter your home, but could not. And because of their small size, they can slide via crevices and cracks.

There are also chances they hitched a ride on your fruit bag when you returned home. Or do you have a home garden with tomatoes? Do you have ripe fruits? Then please note you are giving invitation for fruit flies to grow their population. Their population grows when they lay eggs on the ripe fruits.

2. Fast Mode To Fruit Fly Infestation

These pests have fast growth stages. Fruit flies can become an adult within nine days. So beware! If you have left a rotten tomato in the garbage bin, then it can become the host for a swarm of new adult fruit flies.

They find various methods for adaptation inside your home. The female fruit fly lifespan may vary from thirty days to more. Yet she has the ability to lay 500 eggs. And once again, Mother Nature has favored them in the egg stages. Even if devoid of food, they can breed in moist places to large populations. You may get a surprise,  there are no fruits in the home. But there are still fruit flies in the kitchen. Definitely, this aspect is one among the mind numbing facts about fruit fly.


How to Get Rid Of Fruit Flies

Are you finding it difficult to avert fruit flies from your home? Then contact Bro4u. We have professional pest control experts with years of experience. You can easily schedule a booking at your own convenience.

Getting Rid of Fruit Flies for Good

Do you suffer from fruit fly infestation? Then read the article. Yes, the first step is the same. You may have to eliminate the food sources for these winged pests. In short, make the entire environment inhospitable.

3. Do Fruit Flies Bite?

Usually, you find the fruit fly species of the genus Drosophila in India. The other species, known as Drosophila melanogaster, are also fruit flies. Another name is vinegar flies as they get attracted to vinegar products.

These flies prefer having fruits and food left-overs in moist water (mop water or any other source) for food. They never feed on blood. Mother Nature has not blessed them with biting mouth parts. Their number may run into thousands, but they never bite people. Yes, when they come near the ears, the music becomes a nuisance. They also have a short lifespan.

4. Fruit Fly Life Cycle

The fruit fly goes through three developmental stages. Names – egg, larva and pupa. In an favorable environment, they can become an adult within seven to fifteen days. The total combination of days from egg to larvae is eight days, while the pupal stages comes across as six days.

The development stage is as follows. The female fruit fly lays the eggs. Larvae hatch after twenty four hours to two days. Then the molting stages happen and body parts such as hooks, mouth and head wither away. Then the pupate stage steps in. Female flies mature two days after becoming adults. They can breed immediately and start laying eggs. It is Nature’s wonder that these flies remain fertile till the very end of their lifespan. The female fruit fly stores sperm and can use for future egg reproductions. It is very rare, that you can see this rare reproductive cycle in animal world. This is one of the mind numbing facts about fruit fly.


You have gained valuable information on mind numbing facts about fruit fly and their natural ways of survival. Armed with this information, you can easily eradicate them from your home. Do you want to have more information on house pests? Then do not forget to check our blog for regular updates.

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