How To Get Rid Of Fruit Flies – In Home Or Office

Are you a farmer who grows fruits? After the harvest, before you stand to gain on the produce, you have to deal with fruit flies. They can beat you to the bowl and market. If left unattended their population can swell in large numbers. Fruit flies always come as uninvited guests and overstay at your home. But, you are lucky. In this article, we have given the steps on how to get rid of fruit flies naturally. In case, you find it a challenge to eradicate these pests, it is advisable to contact a fruit fly pest control expert.

How To Get Rid Of Fruit Flies Naturally

  • You should keep the kitchen area clean.
  • Clear garbage bins which have thrown away fruits and rotten fruits. Or else, cover them with perfect lids.
  • If a fruit has become ripe, then use it for recipes or keep in the fridge.
  • Do you have moist floors? Ensure to dry them.
  • For windows near the kitchen and garden, use thin mesh screens.
  • The larva of a fruit fly can survive only on moist organic debris. Remove all the sources where their larvae can thrive, and you can beat them to the door.
  • Yes, you can swat them with electric tennis bat. But what will you do if they make a comeback? So, you have to clean off the breeding areas.
  • Have you left the banana to overripe? Quick, mix with compost and let it turn to manure. Do not put the fruit in garbage bins unattended. You may have a fruit fly population.

Simple Method On How To Get Rid Of Fruit Flies Naturally

1. Unfiltered apple cider vinegar

You can pour a little vinegar to glass bowl. Fill it to half of the bowl. Now, make a lid with plastic paper and rubber band. Now make a small hole for the flies to enter. Yes, they will enter, but cannot make an exit. One of the easy fruit fly traps to remove these pests from your home.

2. Vinegar and dish soap

Did you not find the above method effective? Then instead of the plastic paper, add half the quantity of dish soap water to the vinegar. Keep the upper surface open. The fruit flies will drown in soap water. One among the common fruit flies trap that works efficiently.

3. A paper cone and a piece of fruit

Pour the vinegar in a jar. Now make a piece of newspaper as a cone, and stick to the jar. The narrow opening should come down. The fruit flies go inside the cone, but they will drown in the vinegar.

4. Red wine

Like vinegar, red wine attracts fruit flies. You can leave the bottle open. If the neck is thin, then the flies remain trapped.


Fruit Flies In Bathroom

The question is weird, but yes, the question is inevitable. They should be in the kitchen or living room filled with fruits. Do you have a leakage or break in the bathroom pipes? Then take action and seek the services of a experienced plumber. Moist areas are breeding grounds for fruit flies.

Conclusion – Facts about Fruit Fly

Fruit flies have another name – drain flies. They need the moist environment for breeding, especially near the drainage lines. They can spread all over the house, but fruit flies lay their eggs on ripe fruits.

This is where the fruit flies infestation begins. But yes, you can definitely get rid of fruit flies with the above mentioned methods. Not able to do so even after trying every trick in the book? Then contact a reputed home maintenance company like Bro4u. You can, with ease, hire the service of a reputed fruit fly control expert to eliminate these pests from home.

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