Facts About House Destroying Pests From Your Home – Termites

The other name of Termites are cryptic parasites. You do not find them in an open field. They stay far away from human interference, but termites can damage the wood work. Inside the home, they remain lucky enough as mistaken for ants. There are very few cases, where the owners have found termite infestation. They have taken suitable prevention measures for eradication. You can identify a termite by uniform waist, antennae, and wings. In this article, you get every information about termites, their life cycle. To be honest, it is very difficult to exterminate the termite population. You need to hire the services of a termites treatment expert. Yes, the size is small. But with their feedings habits, they can cause considerable damage to property.

Facts About Termites

Termite Food

A termites’ main source of food is cellulose found in wood.  They can also cause considerable damage to books, paper, insulation and other objects. They also feed on dead plants and trees. Termites can also feed on dead parts of trees. But for us, humans, they are pests who can pull down an entire home.  Yes, they can attack healthy shrubs and trees. But major focus lies on plants which are already wading in the last years.

Termite Infestation

The termite can enter a home, burrow into the wood areas such as windows, doors. They then feed on the wood, turn them into nests and make plans for reproduction. In case of noticing a termite, you need to take prevention measures asap. Or else, they may quickly spread over to other areas making it difficult for treatment. They can eat the very foundation of the house or trees thereby causing extensive damage.

Termite Signs

Identifying a termite infestation is never child’s play. Because, they remain inaccessible in areas such as interior walls. A termite can also relish other parts of your home. Example – decks, porches, sheds, tree trumps and garages.

You can also check the exterior part of the home. The reason, termites need moist areas to start. First look for cracks and crevices.

Termites Control

It is better to seek the services of a termites control professional at the first instant. The warning signs may just be the tip of iceberg, and there are chances of more damage within the home. Home improvement experts advice on inspection of the home every year for the same reason.

DIY Termite Treatments

Yes, there are articles in the internet, about how you banish these pests from the home. But, to be honest, there are many factors you need to determine before selecting the perfect mode. For example, building materials, layout of home, climate, environment conditions near the home.

Termite control involves understanding their behavior, breeding details. The expert also needs to understand the construction details of the home. Please note, that termite pest control professionals should have prior experience. Else, their results will not prove fruitful.

DIY methods give a boost to your morale and mind. But not all DIY methods are successful. For termite treatment, the pest control professional needs to have extensive knowledge. He/she should have up-to-date information on special equipment to treat these pests. The main reason, you should opt for termite control experts is the treatment. Every situation needs a different treatment. First the concerned termite control executive will come to your home. They then conduct an inspection with their team. Then they will find the termite pest control treatment method.

DIY Termite Treatments

Yes, you can solve the problem with spray for termites, but the result – effectiveness is important. It is not the termite control treatment cost that is important, but they have to address the problem. In short, DIY ways to termite control are referred comically as spot treatments. Many products in store never offer a hundred percent warranty in future infestations.

Orange Oil

Yes, the treatment is eco-friendly, but it does not have a long lasting effect. The drawback – you can never see the entire family. The intelligent termites (termites queen) avoid the area of the treatment. But they spread rapidly to areas of non-treatment.

Best way -is to use the treatment in association with other measures to prevent termite infestation.

Do you have these wooden structures?

The wood items are fire wood, lumber, wooden fences, rotting stumps and wooden steps. If they remain in contact with the ground, the termites can get food, moisture and also shade against the sunlight. For pest control against termites, you should eliminate the contact between soil and wood. You need to paint the exterior wood panels that remain in contact with ground. The other methods of termite control are removal of cellulose/wood piles closer to your home. You can also insulate wooden frames with concrete or other material.

Termite Bait

This is one of the preferred DIY methods on how to get rid of the termite pests. The edible material will get installed above or below the nests. So a termite will feed on the bait, and return to the nest. It spreads the disease to the entire colony. So the molting process stops, and workers will become non existent. In drier climates, this method works best. In moist conditions, the termite workers will avoid the bait.

Even in termite bite products, there will be reference to inspection by a termite control professional. Read the labels closely, because they will specify on the use of other treatments in combination with the bait type.

The negative aspect is the time. Worker termites need to go to their underground stations to spread the disease. The duration taken for a complete eradication will differ. And your house becomes vulnerable as the damage goes on continuously. Please check the effectiveness of the product before opting for the bait termite prevention treatment.

Termite “Sprays”

Several types of sprays remain available in the market. Some of them are injectable dust and aerosols. These sprays for termite can kill workers as well winged swarmers. If you happen to use a spray that has a straw, the foam can get into inaccessible areas. The dust contains tiny particles and they can easily travel via wood. But as always, the drawback is you need to have information on the termite activity. If many areas stand infested, then the problems get multiplied.

Prevention of Termite Pests

You need to take extreme measures to reduce the conditions favorable to the termite pests. If you have sighted the termite, you have to hire the services of a experienced termite control technician to outsmart them.


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