Dating back to few years, House Cleaning was confined to a Woman at Home as a Household job. In few houses, we see a maid assigned for those who come with no expertise and will be cleaning the house on your behalf. Merely with a bucket full of water and baking soda, the house cleaning process would finish in minutes and no one had an idea about Professional House Cleaning. As years passed, people tend to become more civilized developing a deeper sense of care towards their Home maintenance, leading to a high demand for a Professional House Cleaning in the city.
What is this Professional House Cleaning all about?
In short, it is a House Cleaning done by the Professionals using the Eco-Friendly products. A team of 2-3 will visit your house with all the equipment’s and cleansing products to give a shiny look to your house that lasts for more than a month. A Special Care will be taken about the Home items leaving no stinks and marks behind.
The House Cleaning here comes with two variants which are categorized under Basic and Deep House Cleaning methods
What is included in Basic House Cleaning?
- It includes mopping of floor along with Kitchen and Bathroom Cleaning
- Sink, Mirror and Toilet bowl cleaning is also included
- Cleaning process will take approx. 2-3 hours
Basic Cleaning is a general House Cleaning that you and I do in our House.
What is included in Deep House Cleaning?
- It includes vacuuming, mopping & polishing to disinfect your homes, kitchen, bathrooms, bedrooms & other living areas.
- Adding on, it includes dusting of wardrobes, doors, tables, chairs, Photo frames, & Television
- There will be a removal of stubborn stains, wall marks with floor scrubbing included
- Cleaning process will take approx. 4-6 hours
Deep House Cleaning is more than a basic cleaning where there will be a detailed cleaning of your Living area, Kitchen, Bedroom and Bathroom.
Watch this Video to visually experience the House Cleaning at Bro4u. Switch to Hi-Tech and Professional House Cleaning with Book Now or Schedule an Appointment.
Great concern! Well written and really imperative one.
Keep sharing such useful information.