What Do Fleas Look Like In Indian Homes?

The tiny bugs, fleas are, their size do not match even the tip of pens. Their color is light brown to black. Since they do not have wings, their favorite movement is hopping from one place to another. They have flat thin bodies but have a hard shell. If you need to kill them, the only action is squeezing between the fingernails. Or else, you can use hard surfaces. It is a challenge to get rid of them, so the best option is pesticide treatment. In this article, you will get information on what do fleas look like? Also given are the symptoms of fleas in the house and other details. Yes, it is possible to definitely get rid of them and other pests in the house. You can opt for the services of a a reputed company which has the best pest management program in your city or town.

Fleas In The House

Do you have a loving pet in the home? Then you know the place where fleas live. The pet can be a dog or cat. When fleas grow in large numbers, they can even live on your body. There are chances that they can live in carpets, beds or backyard.

The best way to detect flea infestation on the carpet is to walk in white socks. Then you can take a look at the socks. Do you see tiny black dots? Yes, they are fleas.

What Do Fleas Look Like? Their Bite Symptoms

Their bites give rise to itchiness and pain. Fleas have the tendency to multiply quickly, in case you have pets in the household. Not having pets, then your yard has become the likely house for flea infestation. A walk in the yard and your child or family elder will suffer from bites.

You can find symptoms of flea bites in the form of red spots with itchiness and discomfort. Usually, these insects main focus is the feet or legs of humans. But they may live in the entire body of house pets.

Can Dog Fleas Live On Humans?

Yes, the truth is fleas can affect even human beings. They can live off humans and pets. In case a flea has bitten on the arm, here are the precautions.

How To Treat Flea Bites

  • You can wash the bite with cold water
  • Make use of an antiseptic. Apply an icepack
  • Do not scratch often the affected area. It may result in scratches or bruises
  • You can also use lotions for the treatment.
  • Consult a physician if the discomfort is severe. If the wound has changed into pus, then it is mandatory to visit a doctor.


The symptoms of flea bites are as follows –

  1. The bitten areas may appear as red small bumpy areas.
  2. You will find a dark red halo inside the bitten circle
  3. The bites will have a straight line
  4. The bites, if fleas remain on the carpet or floor will happen in the legs and ankles.
  5. You can also find the bites on the armpits, groin, breasts and waist. For players, the bites are on knees and elbows.
  6. There are chances of hives or rashes near the bitten site. In case of intense scratches, the skin can get damaged and may lead to bacterial infection.


Can flea bites cause other problems?

The chances of infection because of fleas from a pet to a human is nil. But in case of

infection to the pets, it is mandatory you take them to the vet.

Is it possible to get bitten by a flea even though I do not have a pet?

Yes, unfortunately. The reason, may be, the fleas have made a move from the neighbour’s house which has a dog. The infestation may be severe, so they have moved. Or there may be a mound in the yard which harbors fleas. You can find the fleas in wood piles, storage buildings, decks etc.

How To Treat Flea Bites

First you need to know what fleas look like and then identify their presence in home. If your body’s immunity is good, then the bites need not need treatment. Do you have children and elders having low immunity in the house? Then, you need to prevent the fleas from growing in large numbers. For fleas and all types of pests, it is mandatory to keep a clean home. Are you living in a urban city who has scant time on the weekends? But you and the family members want to keep the house clean from fleas. The reason, because your neighbor has two dogs in her home. You guess an infestation. You want to hire a insect pest management specialist. Kindly check for the best home maintenance company in your town. Who knows? They can have reputed pest control vendors in their customer care list.


We hope the article has given valuable information. Do you have doubts? Then we can help by giving answers. Also, do you want to have a complete pest inspection program in your house so that the house can remain clean? Yes, it is possible. Bro4u provides top pest management action plan via its reputed vendors in three cities, Bangalore, Hyderabad and Pune. It is very easy to book a service in Bro4u. Kindly download the app and schedule the service as per your convenience. The problem will get solved at affordable rates with the services of experienced professionals.

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