How To Get Rid Of Mites From Your Home or Office

Before dealing with a pest, you need to gain vital information. Their habits, their living style and feeding habits. The info may help you in preparing a unwelcome environment. The pests will get not only destroyed, and you do not have to suffer from their recurrence. In this article, we give you information on how to get rid of mites from your home or office. To be honest, it is a challenge. So, it is advisable to opt for the pest control management from reputed companies in your city.

Symptoms of Mites Infection

Mice’s relation are ticks, that makes them a cousin to the spider. There are 48, 000 species of mites. The number points to their survival in any environment. The diseases caused by mites are grocer’s itch, grain itch and rosacea. In animals, they are more popularly known as mange.

Dust Mites

Dust mites can cause asthma, hay fever and eczema. Once in the house, they can cause hyper reactions.

Mites Bites Symptoms

Yes, there are other mites that live off our eyelashes, but they do not cause problems. Please note the following symptoms in a mites infestation.

Itchiness – If you regularly scratch a particular part of the body, then there are chances of mite infection. They feed on dead blood cells and also blood (some do). The response from the body – itchiness.

Burrows – Do you see them on the skin? Then it is a sure sign of mite infestation. The female bites have burrowed to your skin so that they can lay their eggs. The symptoms are usually rashes and violent bouts of itchiness.

Crusting – Has your skin hardened in some part of the body? Then a large number of mites are present and they are feeding merrily on the dead cells.

For the above mentioned symptoms, you need to see a physician at the earliest.


How To Get Rid Of Mites On Humans

Mites enjoy warm places. So use a dehumidifier to keep the level of temperature low. Or else use the air conditioner to make the house remain cool.

Mineral Oil

This technique works for dogs. You can buy a simple earwax dropper from a pharmacy. Now use it to drop the registered mineral to your pet’s ear (dog or cat). It is a natural way to get rid of mites.

How To Get Rid Of Mites In Bed

Do you suffer from asthma or other breathing diseases? Do not think of pollution from vehicles. Think of house dust mites. They are the perpetrator of indoor diseases.

Information About Dust Mites

The dust mites can remain in all places in the home. Yes, they can cause asthma and other health problems. But the most vulnerable among the family members tend to be elders and children. They increase their numbers during the rainy season and summer.

How To Eliminate Dust Mites From Your Home

Usually you can find dust mites on mattress, beds, sofa, pillows, curtains and upholstery items. They always prefer moist and warm surroundings. Their source of food is dander, in other words, dead skin of animals and humans. Dust mites faeces become the source for major allergic reactions. Major symptoms are hay fever, asthma, sneezing, watery eyes, itchiness, nasal congestion and pain.

Dust mites can survive all around the year, so you too can suffer from health problems. The favorable conditions for dust mites are high temperatures and humidity, smoke, indoor air pollution and poor ventilation. If any of your family members suffer from allergic conditions, just check for dust mites. So take these steps to eradicate them.

Make use of –

Vacuum Cleaner – Vacuum the beds, mattresses, pillows every month. Then dust mites will reduce in number. It is best to buy mattresses or sleeping materials with sheets. This is to prevent the accumulation of human dead skin. Yes, the plastic sheets also prevent moisture of the pillows and other bed materials.

Washing – It is mandatory to wash the beddings and fabrics in hot water. The duration is 15 days. This activity will prevent the growth of dust mites. There are two types of bedding. One which can sustain hot water and the other, cold water. If you have bought the latter, freeze them to a lower temperature to kill the dust mites.

Temperature – A fall in humidity and temperature is a unfavourable condition for dust mites. The thermostat in the home, you should set it at 70 degrees. On every weekend, leave the bedding and other sleeping materials exposed to the sun. This will hamper the growth of dust  mites.

Bedding covers – One of the most effective methods to save your skin and family members from dust mites. You can find in the market specialized covers for beds to keep the mites off. You can enclose many of the sleeping items with a plastic cover or any other materials.

Make Changes In Your Home

Cleanliness – Vacuum all places, including the dark spots in your home. You need to clean the floor with a damp cloth.

Alternatives – Are you not able to wash the material in cold or hot water? Then use steam instead. One of the easy methods to kill bed bugs and mites.

Synthetic fabrics: Replace the normal pillows and feather mattresses with synthetic materials. You can also replace woollen blankets with cellulose or cotton content. Have children in the home? Wash the toys. This activity will prevent one more dangerous pest – the bed bug to grow in large numbers.

Carpets – It is advisable to avoid laying carpets on the floor. It may become home to bed bugs, dust mites. Opt for wood floors or vinyl tiles.



Today, because of the pollution, the number of pests have also increased. Every house or office faces many pest challenges. Bro4u can help you put a end to any pest via its top quality vendors.

Our vendors offer cost effective pest management control solutions as per the need. It is also very easy to book a service or place a request with the top pest management control company. You just need to call the number on the website or select the specific service on the app for a booking. They will come to your doorstep to offer the perfect solution.

Bro4u Has the Solution

Our pest control vendors at Bro4u can easily specify a solution. You can easily book a service at Bro4u to hire the best pest control vendors in town.  Do you know that nearly 30 percent of the Indians are allergic to dust mites? Well, it is about time you throw off these pests with the help of Bro4u.

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