Where Do Mites Come From? – Reasons For Their Eviction

You may have heard about cockroaches, termites, spiders and ants as pests, but mites? Does the name ring a bell in your memory? Yes they are the same. You know them as skin parasites, who feast on infected and dry skin cells. And they are similar to lice. Under extreme conditions, they can cause itchiness, pain and the condition, scabies. The dangerous are those which cause allergies. There are few mites, which can latch on to your pets and grow in numbers. Please note, you need a different method for every type of mite. Yes, you can use chemicals but it can be harmful for the pets and children. In this article, you can gain information on where do mites come from? In all cases, it is always vital to maintain a clean home. And in a urban city, the husband and wife go to work and have scant time on the weekends. So, it becomes mandatory to have dust mites and every type of pest control inspection one time in a year.

Symptoms of Dust Mites Allergy

Do you suffer from redness and inflammation on the skin? Does your skin have redness spots? Then these are symptoms of dust mite allergy. But before rushing to the store, kindly consider if the problem is really that of mites. And these Arachnids affect every living being right from birds to animals to humans. Yes, you can get rid of them for a lifetime. A patient reading of the article will tell you how.

The problems on human skin by mites – name is scabies. It has affected humans for many centuries. The mites burrow the human skin and lay their eggs. The symptoms are intense itch and rashes.

Yes, scabies can spread from one human to another by prolonged skin contact. A female mite burrows your skin and lay its eggs. The duration of time for an egg to become an adult is seven days.

Where Do Mites Come From?

The infection is common in all countries of the globe. You can find them more in unsanitary conditions (where there is no water). As per a report, disabled, elderly and people with weak immune systems can suffer from scabies.

Mites Bites on Humans In Household

Mites usually live in clothing, beds and towels, but they need humans for food sources. Or they will perish within few days. Washing fabrics, dry cleaning can kill mites. The other best alternative is to stuff the clothes in plastic bags for three days. The process will kill dust mites.

Treatment for Mites on Humans

As per physicians, it is advisable to get a medical diagnosis done for scabies. They can suggest you the medication, available only by prescription. Do you live in a congested area? It is vital that everyone in the home also should avail of mites prevention treatment . It is necessary is to prevent infection and infestation.


We hope you have got the answer for where do mites come from and the reason for their eviction. Health is wealth. And to sustain health in a proper environment, it is vital to keep the house clean from unwanted guests. The pest elimination from home is vital to ensure good health for family members. But is it possible? Yes, with the emergence of companies such as Bro4u. We provide perfect house cleaning services and handyman professionals in cities such as Pune, Bangalore and Hyderabad.

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