7 Pest Control Precautions and Tips that You Need to Follow

pest controlWe all know what a nuisance pests can create. No one wants to go through all of that, and so we have come up with a list of precautions you can take and tips you can follow to do pest control yourself before it’s too late. Read on to find ways to safeguard your homes from those pesky pests.


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1. Keep your house clean always

This is an extremely important and the least bothersome task that you need to follow to keep your house pest free. Pick all crumbs of food fallen anywhere in the house, be it the floor, or the bed, or under the coffee table and sofa! Sweep and mop the floors every day. It’ll hardly take any of your time if you do it daily. Keep all your food covered. Look out and seal any crevices or cracks you find in the house. Don’t let unwashed vessels stay in the sink as they attract fruit flies and other bugs. Check the drainage and plumbing system for moulds and waterlogging. Throw out garbage bags frequently. If you are short on time, get basic or deep house cleaning by Bro4u professionals to keep your house in it’s spotless state!


2. Plant herbs which have qualities of repelling pests

There are certain herbs that have the ability to repel insects and bugs. Grow plants like tulsi, neem, mint, or tea tree in your house, and place them on your balcony, or the garden. Not only will they repel the pests, but will also enhance the appearance of your house.

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3. Soap Water in a dish?

Yes, it works! Fill a dish with water, and add some liquid detergent to it. You can also add some apple cider vinegar to it for better results. Fruits flies and mosquitos will be attracted to the water, and once the land on the surface, the soap bubbles in water will trap them which will make them drown inside.


4. Boric Acid for the roaches

One method that will definitely work on cockroaches is a boric acid mixture. Take some boric acid powder, and mix it with flour and water to form a mixture. Place it in all the dark corners where you may find the cockroaches lurking, like behind the fridge and cupboards, under the sink, below the stove, etc. The flour will attract the roaches, and the acid will kill them when ingested.


5. Peanut Butter for rats and mice

So apparently, mice prefer foods rich in protein and fat content over cheese. Some of the best baits to lure rats and mice into the trap are peanut butter, chocolate spread, and meat. Use small quantities when using these on a trap, otherwise the  rodents might just nibble away the huge chunks without setting the trap off!


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6. Pest Inspection to avoid Pest Control

It’s always a good idea to get the new house inspected by professionals for pests, prior to moving in. For infestation of pests like termites, it is not easy to spot before it’s too late, and you don’t want to bear the costs of getting all the damage repairs done. Termites put your home at risk of serious and expensive damage. They live in the soil and only need 1/32 inch wide opening to enter into your house. They may be quiety eating away your house from inside out and you may never even know. Getting the house professionally inspected is the best thing you can do to save yourself from expenses of pest control and damage repairs later on.

 7. Understand when to handle the pests yourself and when you need a pro!

This is the most important of all. You should be able to identify when things are out of hand and professional pest control is necessary. You may want to take care of your house problems yourself, but not getting professional help on time, and any improper treating from your end can actually worsen the problem. For example, when you kill ants in your house, you may think that you are getting rid of them for good. But you don’t know that you are killing only the worker ants! The queen ants is still safe and can continue producing more and more ants.


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When pests in your house are beyond your control, you can always hire Pest Control services at Bro4u to get your problem solved, without having to leave the house!

Let us know some of the tips that you follow to keep the pests away from your home in the comment section below!


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  4. Precaution is better than cure when it comes to pests. Pest inspection at regular intervals is the best way to avoid pest infestation. It aids in early detection of pest infestation and hence it becomes easier to get rid of them before the situation worsens.

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