If asked to list five annoying errors in the computer, you will definitely list Blue screen of Death as one among the many. In short, computer experts term the experience as a user’s nightmare. It is difficult to deal with this error. To set right the system, ample time and patience are needed. In a similar situation, you will have no option but to restart the computer. In this article, we give you tips to fix the blue screen of death in quick time.
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Blue Screen Of Death
Now, every blue screen errors will look the same and but the fix and view can vary depending on the Windows version. Some blue screen errors are
- Stop 0x000000f4 Blue Screen Error
- Blue Screen 0x0000007b Error
- Blue screen bad pool caller 0x00000c2
- Bluescreen 0x000000d1 Error
- Blue screen Bccode 50
- Blue screen locale id 16393
- Blue Screen 1033 Error
- Blue screen bccode 9f
- Blue screen stop 0x0000003b
- Blue screen 0x0000001e
- Blue Screen 0x0000000a Error
- Bluescreen code 124
Please note, that all the operating version systems in Windows are not safe from the BSOD threat. You name any version right from Windows 95/98 to the present version, Windows 10. Yes, the crash can happen and your computer can stop working. So, the best way to get the computer to normal working condition is to switch off the computer and then restart. But there is a disadvantage. If you have not saved any data, you cannot save at this situation. And if restarted, it will be lost forever.
How To Fix The Blue Screen Of Death
The popular opinion of computer experts is that you can fix Blue Screen of Death in simple steps. You have to first take note of the code. Search for the code on the internet and you can know the reason. There are also chances that your computer will shut down and restart to get over the Blue Screen of Death problem. Let us now look into the other solutions for the fixture.
Windows 7 – Fix Blue Screen of Death Problem
- You have to go to Control Panel, then access System and Security to fix the problem.
Windows 8 & 10 – Fix Blue Screen of Death Problem
- You have to follow the same route as Windows 7. Move to Control Panel, go to Security and then to Maintenance. In this part, you can get various solutions. Now since you already know the reason for the Blue Screen of Death, you can make the right pick and fix the problem. We will deal with total information on OS in the later part of the article.
Tips To Fix the Blue Screen of Death Problem
If you have a Windows 8 or Windows 10 computer, and after getting the Blue Screen of Death error, you can restart the system. Please note, the system will take care of the troubleshooting steps automatically. Yes, and there is an Action Center to check if there are more ways to solve this issue.
There are also many reasons you get the Blue Screen of Death. Let us look at each of them.
1. Malware
You could have dangerous malware installed in your system without your knowledge. You have to make use of the best spyware or antivirus to delete these viruses.
2. System Restore
Do you get the Blue Screen of Death every now and then? Then please check System Restore to bring the software to its original condition. The reason for this error is related to software.
3. Hardware Issues
If hardware has become damaged, then it can lead to Blue Screen of Death. So, it is essential to test the memory of your computer for errors. You should also take care that it is not overheating. If you have skipped a maintenance service, hire a computer repair guy via the bro4u app.
4. New Drivers
Check on the internet regarding the driver of your computer. Has your manufacturer updated the hardware driver? Then download and install them. So, the computer will work best in these circumstances.
The reason could also be a malfunctioning device driver. Incompatibility with other parts of the computer can also lead to the blue screen of death. If the memory card is damaged, then it can also become the cause for BSOD.
5. Safe Mode
Do you get the Blue Screen of Death every time you start the PC? Then try the booting option in the Safe Mode. In the process, Windows will load only the required driver. If a driver installation is the cause of the error, then it will not happen in Safe Mode. So, you can solve the problem. If you are not able to boot the computer to Safe Mode, you need to hire an expert in computer repair to identify the issues and set the device to normal working condition.
Tips To Fix The Blue Screen of Death on Windows 8 and 10?
You should always take a backup before making the start. If you have got the BSOD screen then it has to be removed. Just think of the activity you were doing when you got this error. Then you can identify which software or hardware activity caused this problem. Also, searching the reason with the code error will inform the steps you have to take. You can also check if the drives have been updated. In normal terms, the graphics card drivers are the main reasons for this error. Uninstalling some unwanted programs or applications in the list will make your computer get to normal working condition.
Tips To Fix The Blue Screen of Death in Windows 7 Version
Are you getting the errors? Then try to open Windows. Now follow the steps.
- You can make use of the System Restore option to reverse any recent changes
- You can go to the Action Centre to check for important information.
- Check if you can find a software update to bring the situation to normal
- Check if the drivers in your computer have to get updated
- Do not forget to make any changes only in the Safe Mode.
- Keep a lookout for memory errors and hard disk errors.
Are you not able to open Windows? Do not worry. We have the solution.
- You can click on the Start Button.
- Move to Action Centre
- Now it is time to click on Control Panel.
- Then slide to System and Security
- Now go to Review your Computer Status
- Do you see the Maintenance option? Then click on it.
- You can move over to Check for Solutions
- Now go to Problem Reports
- Click the Solutions tab.
- You will get notifications or reasons regarding the errors.
- Then you can decide how to fix them.
Tips To Fix The Blue Screen of Death on Windows 95 and 98 Version
To fix the problem, you should
Search for the error code.
Just check if you can get the answer to the error code.
You can also press Control, Alt plus Delete to go back. But please note, any information on the applications will get lost.
Computer/Laptop Service Starts at Just 200 Virus Removal Hardware Installation
We hope that you have gained enough information on tips to fix the Blue Screen of Death problem. Yes, it is possible to fix via the DIY method. But only for a temporary time. You have to ensure, the laptop or computer at home has to be in good working condition. The reason, if the device does not work properly in times of emergency, you will be caught unawares. Then you will have to meet unnecessary stress and complete the deadlines. So, always opt for maintenance service every six months or one year for your laptop. The technician can identify minor issues and repair them before they turn to complex problems. And it is very easy to hire a computer repair expert via the bro4u app. Just download and install. Then make a booking within four minutes to get the problem fixed in a short time.
Do you want to get more information on computer errors and problems? Read our article on how to remove spyware from computer or how to identify signs of graphic card failure.