Are you a lover of video games? Do you use at least forty percent of your spare time for playing games on your computer? Then yes, you are in the right page. Of late, our team is getting requests to write an article on warning signs of graphics card failure in the computer. And in this article, we focus on the same. Yes, we also give the solutions to set right the problem.
Graphics Card Failure
Yes, you can get doubts about the irregular working of the computer if the graphics card is really working or not. As you know, a graphics card (other names – graphics accelerator, video card or graphics adaptor) is responsible for processing images. In normal situations, the graphics card is the first component to fail in a computer. If you are a games lover, the graphics card has to work really hard to satisfy your requirements. When the failure happens, you come across a range of symptoms – some easy to identify, some very difficult to figure out.
Warning Signs of Graphics Card Failure
Please note, that any sort of image viewing needs a graphics card. And some warning signs of failure are
1. Stuttering
Usually, a graphics card on the path of failure will stutter or lag to fulfill your requirements. There are also other reasons that the computer is behaving in a similar way.
- Malware can cause a similar effect.
- The game was not optimized.
- Your graphics card is of low quality. In other words, the Game needs a recent version.
- You need to update the drivers on the computer.
These are some signs of graphics card failure in your computer/laptop.
Just check if the anti-virus or spyware of your computer has been updated to the recent version. Run a thorough scan of your system. Check the requirements of the game. Does the graphics card have the same version? Or else you need to update it. If you find the game working properly on the new graphics card version, then the problem is solved.
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2. Glitches in Screen
Let us assume, you are playing games or watching a movie. All of a sudden, you see weird colors appearing on the screen. Then the graphics card is on the path of failure. For a temporary solution, you can restart the computer. But note, the problem will recur. It is the time to seek a computer repair expert, and fix the problem. He can give the best suggestion on replacement or updating the graphics card. Plus, you will also get the complete maintenance of the computer.
To check if the graphics card has entirely gone wrong, check it with other images or games. If the same problem happens, then you can know it is sure signs of graphics card failure.
3. Blue Screens
Yes, we have dealt with the Blue screen on previous articles. There are many reasons, you may get this problem such as hard drives, RAM, graphics card and even other components. But if you notice frequent crashes during image or video viewing or working on graphic images, then it is one of the signs of graphics card failure.
4. Animation
Simple guess for warning signs of graphics card failure, isn’t it? The best signs of graphics card failure in your computer are when the videos you view do not respond in a proper way. Or else, you can also get a driver problem. The reason for the failure is the graphics card cannot process the images or videos fast enough to keep up with the demands.
5. Pixels
You know that any image consists of dots known as pixels. If you find that some pixels show the wrong color, you can term the situation as one of the major signs of graphics card failure. If the number of wrong color pixels increases in the future, then you have to replace the graphics card.
6. Wavy Lines
Do you get wavy lines on the screen on your computer when viewing images or videos? You will not get this sign of graphics card failure immediately after you switch on the computer. Only after some time, you will get these type of symptoms. You can also get the same signs when you play a graphics-laden game.
7. Fuzzy Images
If the resolution of the image is high, and if the graphics card is failing, then it will not be able to process the images. So, the screen will become fuzzy.
8. Black Screen
Let us imagine, you are playing a video game. In case the graphics card has failed completely, then there will be no video signals. So, the result will be an entirely blank screen. You can also get the error message – No Signal. One of the sure signs of graphics card failure.
Hope you have finished reading this article on warning signs of graphics card failure in your computer. In a similar situation, you can take a temporary break not to look at images, view videos and go for a complete check by a computer repair expert. And for easy booking, you have the bro4u app. You can get the best experts in your city for your computer repair within four minutes. And the problem can be set right within a short time.